Free Printables and Naps
Dear House Peacer,
I want to invite you to take advantage of a few free resources on our website, namely, printables! I sometimes create signs to hang around my house to help my family (and me, because I remember nothing) create new habits. Usually it’s out of sheer desperation because I am tired of the same words coming out of my mouth, such has, “Please put lotion on your skin after your shower!” That gets so old, right? So, now I just point to the sign.
The signs do another sneaky job for me — they teach my kids that being intentional matters a lot to this family. We don’t have to allow bad habits to just keep happening! We have some agency when it comes to creating new, positive, and intentional habits and I want my kids (and again, myself) to know this.
Now, not every one of these printables will apply to you because most of them were created for my own actual kids. Some of them are pretty specific for families with small children, but pretty much anyone can benefit from this one called Twenty Things To Chunk Today.
If you follow House Peace on Instagram, you’ll already know that I LOVE a good nap and have perfected my own method of plane-napping. The benefits of napping are well-studied and I especially like this article from Psychology Today about various types of naps.
When I recently talked at length on Instagram about napping, I was STUNNED at how many people expressed their nap shame! They feel guilty for taking naps and may even hide their napping habits from their spouse. They are worried people will think they are lazy or there is something wrong with them.
Well, this is not acceptable! No more nap shame! I come from a long line of nappers (my parents nap, their parents napped, and subsequently my siblings and I ALL NAP). I want you to confidently nap, knowing it doesn’t mean you are lazy and there is no character flaw associate with napping as it relates to resting and resetting. (I supposed a depression-nap is something else, but I would still never hate on a depression-nap for temporarily coping.)
From our Instagram nap conversation.
From an Instagram follower on plane-napping.
I will happily aid your napping habit in any way I can.
After dozens of DMs, comments, texts, even emails sent on this topic, I am now forming the Nap Queen Club. In an effort to spread our message, I present to you House Peace’s latest tee, Normalize Naps.
Birmingham designer and hand-letterer Teale Yielding designed our club logo and Helena-based printing company By George is fulfilling orders now! We have three cute colors and the tee itself is super soft Bella Canvas. Even if you aren’t a napper, but someone you love IS, they will think the BEST of you in your support of their napping.
As always, I want House Peace to be your go-to for home organizing in Birmingham, Atlanta, and online. And YES we do travel! I recently went to San Jose, CA, for a job! We want to bring the peace to your home in whatever way we can!
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