Self-Care Hobbies
Self-care is a phrase that has been swirling around us for a few years. We’re all encouraged to participate in it, but I know at least for me, the concept can be kind of nebulous and hard to pin down. For a long time I equated self-care with pampering, and I felt like maybe it didn’t apply to me since I wasn’t someone who enjoyed a long bubble bath or who could afford a weekly massage. It wasn’t until I heard someone define self-care as “something you do for yourself that makes you feel like yourself” that I felt like I really had a grasp on what self-care could encompass.
When I think about the things I choose to do when I want to get in touch with who I am, it’s easier for me to identify what self-care activities are truly energizing for me. If you do happen to be someone who loves being pampered and a soak in the tub or a facial is truly how you feel taken care of, that’s great, and I hope you have opportunities to partake in those activities. However, when I asked my friends recently what activities they enjoyed doing that also felt like they were taking care of themselves, I noticed that what we often consider “hobbies,” are actually more often than not, our self-care activities. Because it has been so hard for me over the last few years to nail down what self-care is for myself, I thought perhaps I’m not the only one, and maybe a list of activities would be helpful to some of you. I hope as you read the list below that you don’t take it as an exhaustive prescription for things that could become self-care activities for you, but rather as a guide to help you think outside the box. Let’s take a look!
Baking - When I evaluated what I gravitate toward when I’m happy, sad, overwhelmed, or just generally need care, I realized that I often choose to pause my to-do list and I bake something. I love that baking focuses me on something productive, and that my family gets a sweet treat at the end. One of my favorite purchases in the last few years is the book Snacking Cakes by Yossy Arefi. The recipes are intended to be relatively quick and simple, often using ingredients I already have on-hand, which means I can pick the book up in the afternoon, whip up a treat, and feel energized and like I got to do something I enjoy without too much prep or fuss.
Cake Decorating - While my preference is simple comfort baking, a friend of mine truly loves getting fancy with her bakes and doing some elaborate cake decorating as a self-care hobby. She has made some exquisite designs for her own family and friends celebrating special occasions. As an artist, it is a new and fun way for her to express her creativity.
At-home Manicures - One of my friends really loves having her nails done, but hated the time and money she was spending at the nail salon, so she invested in what she needed to do manicures at home, and she has grown to really love to process. I love seeing how creative she gets with her manicures, and every now and then, I get to be the lucky recipient of her new-found skill.
Running - as a member of the “I don’t run unless I’m being chased” club, I would personally never put running on my self-care list, but that’s the fun about all of us being different and loving different things. I have a friend who loves her daily runs in Central Park. She said she specifically runs in Central Park because it’s a beautiful location so it’s a major mood boost.
Tara enjoys her self-care time almost daily with reading or relaxing in her beloved hammock
These activity ideas certainly aren’t revolutionary, but perhaps the concept of taking pressure off of self-care and just leaning into activities you really enjoy is. Maybe you love listening to your podcasts in your backyard hammock, or you love reading on the couch once the kids are in bed. Chances are, you’re already participating in your self-care hobby, you just haven’t realized you’re taking care of yourself when you’re doing it. So, next time you choose an activity that you love because it makes you feel like yourself, take note, and pat yourself on the back for having that self-care time!
Once you’ve discovered what your self-care hobby is, I would love to hear about it, both to celebrate with you and because we all need inspiration for new ideas for taking care of ourselves. Drop me a DM on Instagram so I can hear all about it and cheer you on!
— Colleen
PS. You can get to know me and my family a little more here!
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